Contact Information
Theatre in Motion
A Non-Traditional, Non-Profit Repertory Company with Many Programs, Designed for Intergenerational Populations Without and With Disabilities
Artistic Director Leslie Fanelli
Office: 908-723-0564 (USA)
Email: tshirl@aol.com
We offer our many programs in New York, New Jersey, Florida, and Well Beyond!
We have three books written by our Artistic Director that are available for free. Simply send your request to the email above. The books are: Nurturing Emotional Intelligence; Playhouse Verse with Universal Design for Learning (UDL); and Professional Development with Multiple Intelligences and UDL.
Pictured below:
Director Leslie (Reuter) Fanelli and Teaching Artist, Hannah Fanelli
Cinematographer Marco Bobadillo and cast from our award-winning, non-traditional music videos, which can also come with a live, interactive component