Program One: For all ages! Participatory, Creative Drama workshops that embrace Emotional Intelligence (Although that link pertains to youth, Emotional Intelligence applies to everyone!)
Theatre in Motion has created a new booklet entitled, "Nurturing Emotional Intelligence with Creative Drama, Acting, Improv, Music, and Visual Art via Live Classes and Zoom." Please contact us to receive a free copy. TSHIRL@aol.com (Cut and paste email address, if needed.)
Program Three: Original Award-Winning, Orchestral Music Videos that showcase performers with and without disabilities, as well as captivating original art.
- These videos have been honored by VSA, a Program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and selected to be part of their International Digital Arts Festival, "40 Days Around the World," celebrating the 40th anniversary of VSA, founded by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith. This festival also celebrates the anniversary of the landmark Americans with Disabilities Act.
- Also, we have an educational component, customized for your group, to join in tandem with the videos, if desired. The imaginative music videos and informative presentation are about The Father of American Landscape Architecture, Frederick Law Olmsted, the story behind his success, and America's parks over the centuries. For ages 12+
Program Four: Interactive Multiple Intelligences Workshops with a lively, instructive approach for educators, paraprofessionals, aides, therapists, administrators, parents, caregivers, student teachers, teaching artists, advocates, and all other interested organizations, inclusive of empowered people with disabilities.
“I certainly believe that theater involves a multiplicity of intelligences ....” Dr. Howard Gardner, Author of Frames of Mind:
The Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Online participants will acquire skills in conducting creative drama and music activities for students who have a wide range of disabilities as well as abilities. When you employ these newly acquired skills, your students will gain much improved communication, self-esteem, cooperation, and a sense of fun. Included are:

Part II, A ... Poetry primarily by children
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Part II, B ... Poetry by children and adults
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Part III ... Exquisite in simplicity poetry by adults and children
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