Art Gallery from our Music Videos
Program Three:
Above is an art gallery of original paintings and photographs commissioned for Theatre in Motion's award-winning music videos, as well as "behind the scenes" photos. These orchestral videos were honored by VSA, a Program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, in their distinguished international digital arts festival, "40 Days Around the World," celebrating the 40th anniversary of VSA, founded by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith, as well as celebrating the anniversary of The Americans with Disabilities Act. VSA is the International Organization on Arts and Disability. The music videos pay tribute to Frederick Law Olmsted and his inclusive landscape legacy.
The Honored Music Videos are:
There exist tandem music videos to the ones above.
These "sister" videos have captions instead of American Sign Language.
In addition, enjoy the following, related articles:
Below: (1) Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith [center] next to Leslie Fanelli [second from the right], and colleagues at a VSA (Very Special Arts) International Conference
(2) Amassador Jean Kennedy Smith, founder of VSA, with Leslie Fanelli